Welcome to Module 1.2 – Q&A review from Module 1.1; Prescription Evaluation: Possible Effects of Various Therapies and Graph: Remedy Reactions — Interpretation; Case Study: Review of Cure, Palliation, Suppression Chart

Welcome to Module 1.2, day 1! We will begin by covering any thoughts, concerns, or questions arising from material we’ve covered so far. Confused? Frustrated? Exhilarated? Share your feedback and questions with the faculty and your classmates.

Once any lingering queries are settled, we’ll delve into our first lecture topic of the day: Prescription Evaluation. We will review and deepen your knowledge of what happens after a treatment, broadening our study to include allopathy and surgical interventions. Subtle reactions count, because unless your prescription was far from the similimum, something has usually changed. We will discuss in detail the process of palliation, suppression and cure; these apply to therapies other than homeopathic remedies as well. This understanding is the foundation upon which good homeopathic case work is built.