Making Rx: Taking the Case (Part 2) – Keys to Case Taking, Case Analysis, and Symptomatology

Now on to Chapter Two of Taking the Case! This lecture provides groundwork in Symptomatology and Case Analysis that will prove invaluable to any practitioner, no matter their experience.

How can we turn a mass of seemingly-unrelated symptoms and modalities into a working document that guides our search for the curative remedy? Farrington begins by reminding us that while we make note of pathognomonic symptoms, we must pay particular attention to characteristic symptoms that define the individual patient in your exam room. Characteristic symptoms are the data points that point to the curative remedy.

We will discuss the types of symptoms making up the case, along with their varying usefulness as prescription signposts. What are remedy grades? How can we enlarge the description of a common symptom in order to find characteristic patterns that link the entire case into an understandable whole? How do modalities further define our symptoms? As Farrington quotes, “A case well taken is half-cured.” This homeopath’s experience in extracting the most useful information from our clients will help enrich our casebooks and greatly increase the success of our practices.

We will finish our case taking talk with so tips for creating remedy differentials, recording your prescription through process, and tips for scheduling follow-up appointments.